


03 86 53 07 22
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Thursday 13 October 2016

Come to visit us

"The first trip is always a discovery and the second one is always enriching..."

Unique cellars in Yonne !


Discover across a visit of our domain the bassement of our terroirs. The wealth that the vine can derive from it.
The pleasure that the resulting wine provides across a complete final tasting, varied and commented by the owners.


Guided tour and tasting for private individual 


by appointment only

All year, monday to saturday from 9:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 18:00.


> Tour and free tasting (tasting up to 6 wines according to your desire).


(Pets are not allowed).



Guided tour and tasting for groups. 


( starting for 8 people )


All year round by appointment only.


Participation of 10 euros per person.
Guided tour, tasting of 6 wines from our range as well as "gougères" to accompany the tasting.



New : Use our room reception


A room for companies only

_40 people maximum.


Guided tour, tasting of 6 to 8 wines as well as "gougère" to accompany the tasting.

Use of our room

(reception, tasting, seminar and equipped with a video projector, internet) og 80m2 ( more office )

in the day or evening (18:00-23:00)


Contact us:


email domainejfetplbersan@orange.fr

03 86 53 07 22.



Caves et caveau accessibles aux personnes à mobilité réduite.



Merci de nous adresser votre demande par téléphone ou mail au minimum 2 semaines avant la date choisie.

Prévoir un vêtement chaud, la température ambiante des caves est de 13°C toute l’année.




Véhicule léger : stationnement directement dans la cour du Domaine.


Bus : interdits dans le village.

Parking à l'entrée du village, place des Maronniers.